About us

Our website address is: https://www.leduetorribio.com.

privacy policy


Updated 25/05/2018

Questa politica sulla Privacy descrive come vengono raccolti i vostri dati personali, come vengono utilizzati o condivisi quando visitate o fate acquisti dal nostro sito: www.shopleduetorribio.com / www.leduetorribio.com




When you visit our site, certain information is automatically collected on your Internet browsing device including: the program you are using to browse the Internet, your IP address, the time zone in which you are located and some of the "cookies" that are installed on your device. In addition to this, when you browse the site, we collect information about the pages or products you visit or the words you use in the search engine during your visit to the site and also information about how you relate to our site during your visit.

We will call the automatic collection of information as described above: "Device Information".

We collect "Device Information" using the following technologies:

"Cookies" are data files that are placed inside your computer or other electronic device, which often include a unique anonymous identifier. If you would like more information about cookies or how to disable them, please go to: http://www.allaboutcookies.org

"log files": are data collection operations that let us read your visit on the site, including your IP address. The type of search engine you are using for internet navigation, the internet service provider.

"web beacons", "tags" and "pixels" are electronic devices that are used to record information about how you move around the site.

In addition to the above, when you make a purchase (or begin to make a purchase) through the Site, we collect certain information about you: name, payment receipt address, product delivery address, payment information (credit card number, PayPal user name, email address and phone number). We will refer to this information as: "Order Information".

In this Privacy Policy, when we talk about: "Personal Data", we mean "Device Information" and "Order Information".




We use the Order Information we collect in order to respond to customer orders placed with us through the site (including information required to make payments, ship goods, invoices and order confirmations received).

We also use the Order Information we collect for:

communicate with you; view your order to avoid the risk of fraud or to provide you with information about our products and services, according to your preferences, by sending you information through newsletters, promotions and events related to our business. (You may, however, directly inquire about our Company by visiting the site: www.shopleduetorribio.com

We use the Information collected, to avoid the risk of fraud (in particular your IP address) and more generally to improve and optimize our site (for example, by compiling statistics on our customers' internet browsing and iteration or to measure the effectiveness of our communication through promotions on Facebook, Instagram and Google).




Condividiamo i vostri dati con terzi che ci aiutano nel lavoro che abbiamo descritto precedentemente. Utilizziamo ad esempio il Programma: Mailchimp, per incrementare la nostra vendita on-Line. Maggiori informazioni sull’uso dei vostri dati da parte di Mailchimp, le potete trovare su: : https://www.mailchimp.com/legal/privacy.

We also use Google Analytics to help us better understand how our customers visit our site. More information on how Google uses your data can be found on Google: http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy.

Potete anche utilizzare un componente aggiuntivo del browser per la disattivazione di Google Analytics ed impedire così  l’utilizzo dei vostri dati http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

Finally, we may use your personal data in response to legal or regulatory requirements, subpoenas, search warrants or other legal requests for information or for any other function of protecting the rights of our Company.




As we have earlier described, we use your personal information to send you advertisements or communications about our products or activities that we think may be of interest to you; if you would like more information about how our advertisements work, you can find it on the explanatory page of the site: NAI (Network Advertising Initiative http://www.networkadvertising.org/understanding-online-advertising/how-does-it-work..

You can also deactivate the reception of advertising messages or change our use of your data on:

Facebook      http://www.facebook.com/settings/?tab=ads.

Instagram     http://help.instagram.com.

Google         http://www.google.com/settings/ads/anonimous.

In addition you can disable some of these features by visiting the Digital Alliance Advertising Portal  http://optout.aboutads.info/.



If your computer sends us the signal: "Do not track", we will not record anything in our database or files that ask for your personal data.




If you are a resident of a European country, you have the right to access your personal data bank that we hold and ask us for any changes, updates, or deletions of data; if you wish to exercise this right, you can contact us via the contact details below; in addition, if you are resident in a European country, we may use your data to enter into any contracts with you (e.g. when you place an order for products through the site) or if we have to pursue the following business interests of the Company which you will find below:

Updates and Changes Required by Law: we will update these rules according to the changes in law that will follow or for other legal or operational reasons

AGGIORNAMENTI E MODIFICHE PRESCRITTI DALLA LEGGE: potremo aggiornare queste regole in base alle modifiche di legge che seguiranno o per altri motivi di carattere legale od operativo.

CONTATTI FRA L’AZIENDA ED I PROPRI CLIENTI: potrete contattarci in qualsiasi momento se avrete bisogno di altre informazioni in merito alla gestione dei vostri dati personali o per qualsiasi altro motivo attinente la gestione dei vostri dati personali, che potranno anche essere inviati fuori dell’Europa: in Canada e Stati Uniti.

Scriveteci su: prodotti@leduetorribio.com
